Tips On Overcoming Black Eye Shadow

Posted 1:08 AM by Erfan in Labels:
posted by erfan gumelar

Black shadow under the eyes is one of the factors that is able to reduce the appearance and freshness face. There are many factors that can be a cause, one sign you are asleep or suffering a reaction center.

Blackish color under the eyes, according to health experts, may also foreshadow symptoms of serious health disturbances. Especially when the expression is at the same time with sore throat pain or fever.

There are several factors that can be a higher-up the black shadows under the eyes, one of which is:
1. Due to the sun
Sunlight can be a cause of the black shadows under the eyes, the area under the eye more quickly change to dark skin compared to others around the face.

2. Poor nutrition Feed
If you consume less green, old, the black color under your eyes is a sign that you may experience a lack of nutrition. To overcome this, eat food that is rich in antioxidants every day.

3. Poor sleep
If a night or yesterday evening you begadang, the black circles under the eyes you will become a less rest (sleep). The more tired you are, the skin of the face will show the flow of blood under the eyes. So that the skin color under your eyes will look more blue or darker.

4. Offspring / genetic
Unfortunately, for some people, black stripe under the eyes is hereditary or genetic.
Generally this is due to the blood vessel. The influence of the high amount of blood found in the area, make the skin become more visible than dark skin color in the face of another.

How do I cope?

There are several ways you can do to reduce or overcome the darker color under the eyes are:

- With cosmetic products
Currently many cosmetic products that can help whiten black color under the eyes, but use carefully with attention to how use.

- How traditional
Black under the eyes due to eye tired or lacking sleep, can be treated with sliced cucumber paste to the eye or tomato

- Bedroom
Rest or sleep is enough for 8 hours a day, will help you remove the black color under the eyes.

- Eliminate factors triggered
Eliminate or minimize the causes of the occurrence of color is black. Learn what factors cause a black color under your eyes as much as possible avoid it.

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