Therapy healthy with the Water

Posted 6:01 PM by Erfan in Labels:
posted by erfan gumelar

Water not only serves to satisfy thirst. However, water is a medicine that is effective to maintain the health, cleanse your mind, and maintain balance in the network-network body. Did you know, most of the body consists of water and each cell consists mainly of water. 70% of your body consists of water. Water is used in the ongoing process of life. Therefore, you should always fill the supply.

However, many people fail to meet the needs of the body akan water. If you are short of water, cells will begin to attract water from the bloodstream. As a result, the blood will coagulate, so that the heart must work harder to pump blood and the body will start menjauh direct blood from less vital areas. Dehydration may have occurred before you feel thirsty. This is a burden for the body because it will disrupt the function of kidneys in the blood and help cleanse the body release racu-toxic. In addition, the water also increase metabolism and stimulate the bowel function.

Example of how to work in water cure disease

1. Headache

Do you feel headache after working a full day? Based on scientific evidence, this headache can be caused by your lack of water. 75% of your brain consists of water. When the brain detects the lack of water, then the brain will produce histamin that cause pain and fatigue. The goal is to slow down our activities. Hence, the minimum supply of water to keep the brain can still work properly. Try, often a glass of white water combined with 20 minutes of rest is much more effective than paregoric.

2. Backache

Water also helps to overcome the back pain. Plate in the back we made from the shell outside the network socket flesibel bag filled with fluid-sac. Most of this fluid is water. During bag-bag is full, they will still support the outside shell properly. By doing so, will help absorb the body weight from the top.

Time to move, pressure is released and drawn on the plate depends on the type of movement. Rise to power this movement hisap that allows fluid to enter the body in the disc. That way, liquid level on the disc will still be awake.

If the measure liquids, especially water, in the lower body, then this disc will also be short of water. As a result, most of the weight of the body we will be moved to the outside shell. You may already have felt the consequences in the back or neck such as pain and swelling.

3. Hypertension

Water is also useful in overcoming hypertension. Based on the science of medicine, hypertension often occurs when the body detects the reduction of blood volume. Because the blood of more than 83% consist of water, the cause of a general decrease in blood volume is dehydration.

As a reaction to a decrease in volume of blood, our bodies will direct most of the flow of blood to the organs that were active and close the blood supply to areas that are less important. The body of this adjustment will cause hypertension along the blood circulation system.

Water ideal

Besih consume water that dimurnikan a manner that is appropriate will also help cleanse your body. Air akan kolon create more effective ways to establish a new, fresh blood. If kolon cleaned, nutrition
which included food for a couple of times a day will be absorbed. Then, fold-fold mucus akan into fresh blood. Blood is very important in the cure of disease and restore health. Therefore, it's good enough to drink water regularly.

Can drinking too much water?

Except for certain conditions, you should not drink too much water. Body secukupnya just use water and remove the rest through urine. If you drink water in sufficient amount, usually you will
dispose of small water once every 2 hours. Sign, the more clear your urine, it means that your body getting enough water. The body does not store water, so drinking copious amounts of water will not increase the benefits. You are encouraged to drink water as much as 1 / 2 the size of body weight in ounce of water (1 ounce of water equal to 0.0284 liters). For example, if you weigh 150 pounds (75 kg), you should drink 75 ounce of water (2.13 liter of water).

How do water therapy

* The morning wake up, before the polish teeth, drink 1:50 liter of water (equivalent to 5-6 glasses).
* One hour before and after drinking this water, you should not consume beverages or other solid food.
* Not allowed to drink alcohol on the night before.
* Use water that has been cooked

It possible to drink 1.5 liters of water at the same time?

You may be difficulties when you first try, but you akan to over time. At first, you can drink 4 glasses of water first and the remaining 2 gelasnya can be drunk after the lapse of 2 minutes.

Based on the results of research, this disease under therapy with an improvement in the water as:

* Acid: 2 days
* Diabetes: 7 days
* Blood pressure and hypertension: 4 weeks
* Cancer: 4 weeks
* Tuberculosis Tuberculosis: 3 days

If you have arthritis or rheumatism, it's good therapy to do this 3 times a day, morning, afternoon, night and day, 1 hour before meals, for 1 week. Then 2 times a day until it healed.

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