Beautiful and Healthy Tips

Posted 7:09 AM by Erfan in Labels:
posted by erfan gumelar

Anyone who definitely want to appear more slender and prime. In addition to protrusion of fat around the stomach is more flat than usual, andapun have the ideal body weight and of course healthy.
Among all types of measurement methods, the most useful and widely used to measure the level of Obesity is a Body Mass Index. How to calculate simple enough, the share weight (kg) with the square of the high-body (meter). If the calculated your Body Mass Index more than 25, meaning berdiet should start to appear more healthy and prime. Tips slim and shape you need to run, as follows:

1. Start to stop the habit of all types of food consumed;
2. Disiplinlah at meals;
3. many white-water consumption and reduce drinking coffee or sweet tea-cupbergelas womb because gulanya will only hamper the process Pelangsingan;
4. jogging for 30 minutes at least 4 times a week.

So that the skin can appear beautiful. as you desire-idamkan, try to avoid things that can disrupt the skin mushrooming, as follows:
1. The sun, the sun is required for the formation of the body of vitamin E, but if too much will damage the beauty, health, and even the skin. Leaving the skin of the face is exposed to direct sunlight is the fastest way to make you look older;
2. Smoking, nicotine cigarettes can produce narrow the blood network in the region so the skin does not look healthy. Gynecology acetaldehyde in cigarette fiber cells can attack the skin, so that there were chemical reactions that destroy elastin and collagen;
3. Alcohol, cigarettes constrict blood vessel, even when alcohol can dilate blood vessel. This often lead to outbreak vein and skin color that is not fresh. Such as cigarettes, alcohol actaldehyde also includes damage to skin elasticity, and elasticity;
4. Less Sleep, you do not have to sleep for eight hours a day. The most important is that you should still feel fresh when awake. Try lavender aromatherapy or supplements containing valerian to facilitate sleep;
5. Poor Sports, such as select sports, aerobic, jogging, swimming, cycling, or try a salsa dance and hiphop. Two-three times a week is sufficient. You do not need to impose themselves do every day.

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